It's not about the MP3 Player - I'm lovin' this!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Thing 23

I did it! All 23 Things!
I feel like Helene Blowers is my best friend and it would be nice to meet her someday. It's truly amazing how much I've learned these past couple months. This exercise opened my eyes to many new innovations in web technology I never knew existed. And the most amazing thing is I'm using some of them in my daily work already and have plans to use others soon!

My Favorite Things (to name just a few) :
  • YouTube
  • Web-based apps (word processing and spreadsheets)
  • Podcasts
  • Wikis
  • RSS feeds/Bloglines
  • Digital books
  • Web 2.0 awards list
  • Online image generator
Least Favorite:
  • Rollyo
  • Flickr
With this exercise, my list of lifelong learning goals has now grown to include more of these web 2.0 "things" and to try to keep up with trends in technology. The more I explore and learn, the more I discover that I really don't know and these become new goals for me. As I said in my first post about life-long learning, technology is the easiest for me, but also the hardest. I love playing to "learn" how to use technology, but the hardest part is keeping up with all of the new "things" that keep developing.

The only suggestion I have for improvement, is that it would be helpful to have some feedback from the blogteam that we have completed the program successfully.

Absolutely, if you offered another discovery program like this in the future, I would definitely chose to participate


HeleneB said...

Congrats on completing 23 things! So glad you enjoyed it.

Helene Blowers (www.librarybytes.com)

PS: Your post fell into my RSS feeds this morning & BTW, I completely flunked your favorite library quiz. :)

Anonymous said...

Library C is actually my home.

Blogteam said...

Congratulations on completing the plymc program - and kudos for getting a message from the Library 2.0 founder!

Shortlegs said...

You are just too special. Congrats on getting the attention of Library 2.0 leader.

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://vinho-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

Don't you just love this!

I just love this song. It takes me way back to my 6th grade summer. I bought this as a 45 rpm and played it on my grandmother's Victrola, complete with hand crank on the side.

My Bloglines RSS Feeds

This one's for you, June!