It's not about the MP3 Player - I'm lovin' this!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Thing 8 Revisited

On reviewing the instructions for RSS Feeds, I noticed at the bottom of the instruction page that we were suppose to "share" our bloglines in a blogroll. So tonight I created a blogroll of my RSS Feeds on my blog. And I also included a link to my public bloglines account as suggested by Helen Blowers. Totally cool! This is a better way to access my feeds rather than always going to bloglines for them.

In the Thing 8 Discovery Exercise, Part 2, we were suppose to subscribe to at least 3 of Charlotte's Feeds. I did add the Learning 2.0 feed to my blog, because it appears that it will help to reinforce the learning 2.0 principles I'm learning as I go back and read it. But I couldn't see a reason to add the Charlotte.Com news feeds, since I'm not from Charlotte and I'm already on other news and entertainment feeds. I really wanted to add PLCMC's Reader’s Club new review feeds, but it is no longer a feed. The PLCMC Competency Blog entries were dated 2006, so since it appears not to be an active blog any longer I didn't subscribe to it. But I am on the Unshelved feed.

I think I have now completely finished Thing 8. I like RSS Feeds. Neat!

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Don't you just love this!

I just love this song. It takes me way back to my 6th grade summer. I bought this as a 45 rpm and played it on my grandmother's Victrola, complete with hand crank on the side.

My Bloglines RSS Feeds

This one's for you, June!