It's not about the MP3 Player - I'm lovin' this!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Week 1 - Things 1 & 2

I can do it, coach! The Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners can be summed up in my favorite quote from my favorite movie, Rudy, "I can do it, coach!"

I am very anxious and excited to begin learning library 2.0! I love learning new things!!!

The habit that is easiest for me is also the hardest for me: Use technology to my advantage. Technology is always changing and it's hard to keep up, but we love a good challenge!

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Don't you just love this!

I just love this song. It takes me way back to my 6th grade summer. I bought this as a 45 rpm and played it on my grandmother's Victrola, complete with hand crank on the side.

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This one's for you, June!