Wow!!! I love this RSS feed! I must have read everything at least 4 times so I understand everything about it, because it looks like something I will definitely use and pass on to others. has all sorts of informational articles, reviews, updates, and suggestions for getting the most out of this technology, in addition to listings of various readers available. Great site!
This is really useful to keep updated in our library work for reference, children's work, technology, news, and for EVERYTHING.
I opened my bloglines account, set-up my own news reader, and subscribed to more than 10 news feeds. I love the option to search by subject for feeds, and that these feeds can be on any topic. I'm lovin' it!
It's not about the MP3 Player - I'm lovin' this!
- 23 Things (24)
- Down on the Farm (2)
- Libraries I Love (1)
- PLCMCL2 (1)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Week 3 - Thing 7
I love technology and it's a challenge to keep up. I love using HTML to build a web site, although I hear from my daughter who is working as an intern on the IT team doing website work for a major company, that out in the real world that's all moved to CSS.
If I had more time (and money), I'd love to learn more about the new pdas such as the Dell Axim and of course the new Apple iPhone. My husband has an Axim that he uses for e-books, movies, etc. and he takes it everywhere. The iPhone is out of reach at this point... I'm still waiting for the cost of Internet on a regular cell phone to come down. Yet, if we can dream, the challenge of the iPhone is quite appealing!
If I had more time (and money), I'd love to learn more about the new pdas such as the Dell Axim and of course the new Apple iPhone. My husband has an Axim that he uses for e-books, movies, etc. and he takes it everywhere. The iPhone is out of reach at this point... I'm still waiting for the cost of Internet on a regular cell phone to come down. Yet, if we can dream, the challenge of the iPhone is quite appealing!
Week 3 - Things 5 & 6
I've spent a lot of time on Flickr, so it's probably time to move on, although I am a detail person and that's what I do. Plan to come back here later and explore fd's Flickr Toys where I can make all sorts of badges, posters, widgets, and other fun things. I'd also like to try the Trip Planner by Yahoo! Travel. I could use some help organizing our trips and hopefully this may be it. Left the link here to the Third Party Flickr Apps as quick access in the future:
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Week 3 - Thing 6
Got slowed down a little tonight. I tried to label my Oklahoma Wildflower "23 Things", but whenever I "published" it, the link to the original picture on Flickr disappeared. I tried that several times before deciding to leave the label off. I also tried to use Maprr, but discovered that it hasn't been activated on Flickr yet; would like to try it when it's ready. But I had success using "Spell with flickr". That was fun!
Oklahoma Wildflowers
I searched "farm" on Flickr and found this picture of wildflowers that I love! There were so many amazing pictures to choose from. I have discovered that there are so many varied aspects to Flickr that I could probably keep exploring just Flickr until Nov.2nd.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Week 3 - Thing 5
I opened my Flickr account and linked it to my blog. I like the way I can use my "Leave it to Linda" user name in all of these web addresses so I can remember them. Still have to play around with this some more. There never seems to be enough time to explore everything I want to do!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Zucchini's In!
Sauteed zucchini with dill Wednesday, zucchini with cheddar Thursday, zucchini bread Friday, and zucchini soup today. Any new ideas for zucchini?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Week 1 - Things 1 & 2
I can do it, coach! The Seven and 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners can be summed up in my favorite quote from my favorite movie, Rudy, "I can do it, coach!"
I am very anxious and excited to begin learning library 2.0! I love learning new things!!!
The habit that is easiest for me is also the hardest for me: Use technology to my advantage. Technology is always changing and it's hard to keep up, but we love a good challenge!
I am very anxious and excited to begin learning library 2.0! I love learning new things!!!
The habit that is easiest for me is also the hardest for me: Use technology to my advantage. Technology is always changing and it's hard to keep up, but we love a good challenge!
Weed of the Week
Gotta Go! Time to watch the Hefty Brothers with the "Weed of the Week" on Ag PhD (station RFD on cable, Direct TV 379).
Week 2 - Things 3 & 4
Wow!!! I did it! My blog is online and ready to go. The hardest part was choosing a name, which I spent absolutely too much time agonizing over . It took me two tries to get it right. I had created my first blog and wasn't satisfied with the name, so I deleted my first blog and created another. Leave it to Linda to keep the blogteam busy updating my records.
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Don't you just love this!
I just love this song. It takes me way back to my 6th grade summer. I bought this as a 45 rpm and played it on my grandmother's Victrola, complete with hand crank on the side.