It's not about the MP3 Player - I'm lovin' this!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Week 6 - Thing 13

I spent a lot of time studying Del.icio.us, created a Del.icio.us account, and downloaded the buttons onto my Firefox browser at home. Then I started bookmarking sites and creating tags. I can see how Del.icio.us could be a helpful tool for finding additional info (sites) on a topic using the tags, and really increase the dimensions of a search by branching out in several different directions, including people. I also created a Del.icio.us network badge for my blog.

Somehow, my LibraryThing widget that was working right suddenly isn't working right now, so I have to go back and see if I can fix it.

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Don't you just love this!

I just love this song. It takes me way back to my 6th grade summer. I bought this as a 45 rpm and played it on my grandmother's Victrola, complete with hand crank on the side.

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This one's for you, June!